Highlights of the New Release

  • Redesigned UI
  • Critical Notifications with Action Buttons
  • On-call calendar to browse through an entire on-call schedule
  • Actionable Notifications on Smartwatches
  • In-App Preferences for user personalization
  • Finer control over Notification sounds
  • All-new tasks details page for better task management
  • Added Search to teams, users, and more places
  • Dark mode

We constantly update the platform to provide the best-in-class experience to our users. These updates are not something that we feel is right for the client; these updates are based on the user data, behavior, and requests that our users provide. We are always excited to bring new updates and share them with people but this one is special!

We bring to you Zenduty iOS and Android v3.0!

Design Revamp

The UI has been completely rebuilt from scratch, when you open the app, you’ll see that readability has been enhanced with a clean white design and a standard typeface across platforms. The icons have been redesigned to enhance useability in stressful situations. The bottom navigator has been changed entirely. The layout is more accessible in an order that is most preferred by our users with haptic feedback that is smooth, colorful, and elegant.

Incident Page and Acknowledging Incidents

We can’t stress enough how important readability is whilst tackling a critical incident so a clutter-free application was our topmost priority. The incident page is easy to understand and tapping on the incident takes you to the detailed view which follows the same design. When you swipe through the incident page, the header condenses to give you more space. You don’t have to scroll to the bottom of your screen anymore to find relevant information cramped up in a tiny space.

Post-incident viewing experience, we redesigned the acknowledgment experience, now post tapping the acknowledge button you get an indication with haptic feedback confirming it. This indication is clear and big to allow our users to be confident about the action taken on an incident even in the middle of the night.

Additionally, all the other tabs have been reworked with interesting elements and consistent design.

Pro Tip: You can quickly acknowledge an incident by just swiping on the list. You don’t even have to open it.

Critical Notifications

The star of this release has got to be Critical Notifications! You could have your phone on silent, turn on DND or set the volume to zero and you’ll still get your incident alerts at full volume at the top of your list. You can acknowledge directly from the notification, and it will even tell you whether or not it was successfully acknowledged!

On-Call Calendar

Arguably the biggest overhaul to the app is the on-call page. There’s now a full-fledged calendar, along with a scrollable list of who’s on call. You can now access a user-based color-coded rotation order and schedule in a single screen, tap on items to see details, filter by layers, view overrides, and more.

Watch Notifications

Another major feature in this release (again, with notifications) is the ability to view the incident details on a smartwatch (Apple and Android watches), acknowledge directly from the watch without having to pull your phone out. Critical Notifications also work on Apple Watches, bringing that same great functionality to your wrist.

Notification Channels and Sounds

We’ve refactored the channels & categories that we send notifications to, and allowed the ability to set different sounds for each type of notification. Android users can also set their sounds through their system settings.

Updated Tasks

It’s about time! Gone are the overlapping modals that handled end-to-end task management. The new tasks page is clean, clear, and consistent.

Additional search bars within the app helps you find things that were previously unsearchable.

Dark Mode

We hear you! The overhauled UI could get a bit too bright with its sparkling white backgrounds, which is going to be a pain in the … eyes, especially for those pesky incidents that might wake you up at night. We’ve added a full-fledged dark mode that’s easier on the eyes. And it’s tied to your system’s dark mode, which means it’ll automatically turn on at night.

In-App Preferences

A possibly underrated feature is the in-app preferences. User-customizability and preferences are something we believe is incredibly important for any app because that’s what gives it that personal touch; an element that makes the user experience truly yours. Finding it tedious to have to go into each alert and manually expand the payload? Expand it by default. Not a fan of the grid view for team details? Switch it to a list. Whatever you prefer!


There are some minor user-experience improvements too. Alert details now give you a mini version of the incident right there, so you don’t have to click on an inconspicuous “Go to Incident” button. Task details also let you directly navigate to the incident from the top right corner. The flow to create incidents opens the pickers automatically for you instead of you having to tap on each picker to open it.

… Oh, also, we built our own design system from the ground up, a 100% reusable component library, a standard color palette, improved efficiency of the logic, and put actual time and effort into making the inside of the app look just as beautiful as the outside. No biggie.

Menahi Shayan

Web & Mobile Engineer by day 🧑🏻‍💻 IoT tinkerer by night 🛠️