Modern businesses are evolving rapidly with the advent of cloud, CI/CD and microservices. However, there still exists an extensive and obvious divide between principle business stakeholders and developmental teams. Development teams are often unaware of the challenges faced by operations teams and vice-versa.

This is where a need for adoption of DevOps principles comes into the picture. DevOps which came into existence as the natural successor to Agile practices in software development. For a versatile delivery process that is adaptive to continuous change and delivery, there is a need for the introduction of the agile concept of continuous feedback. Continuous feedback is a way where negative and positive feedback is accepted and implemented to production constantly.

For instance, daily standup meetings allow members of the development team to share status updates and highlight challenges in the way. Additionally, the sprint review meeting is the opportunity to deploy changes to a broader user group, including executives and end-users. In addition to evaluating goals for the project, the group can provide feedback on the current solution and the unforeseen needs before the next sprint meeting.

Feedback loops have to be a combination of agile best practices, automation tools, and efficient documentation. Testing is also an integral part of developing fast feedback loops. Implementing DevOps best practices will add to the overall worth of an organization, including the following:

  • Efficient code delivery
  • Quicker deployment to market
  • Higher-quality in output
  • Improved collaboration between developers and operations
  • A culture that unites business, development, and operations together for excellent responsiveness to market demands

To become necessary to customers, operations and developers need to be a collaborative unit. Development teams are required to design, deploy, test and troubleshoot their software swiftly and authentically while in parallel operations teams are compelled to monitor and identify issues before they happen.

The adoption of DevOps culture is an organizational change that requires a shift in mindset primarily. When successful communication channels are established between managers, developers, and operations through DevOps practices, there will be lesser conflicts of interest within teams, and an increase in overall quality and speed of delivery for the customers.

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Deepak Kumar

Hybrid Cloud Engineering.