Whether you’re a small, medium or large company with a mobile strategy, it is critical that you monitor our app’s performance constantly. Uptime and reliability can make or break your mobile growth and only 6% of companies are able to achieve growth because of their reliability. App crashes cause 71% of uninstalls, 43% of users expect a response time of no more than 3 seconds. UX is everything. Remember these metrics.

If any new release causes parts of your app to break, your team needs to be alerted pronto! Crashlytics email isn’t going to cut it. You need phone calls, SMSs, Slack/Teams messages, alert routing, escalations - the whole nine yards. Key here is to resolve the incident before it affects other users.

Incident management works best when all of your incidents and alerts can be tracked from a centralized hub. When these incidents come attached with problems, changes, releases or assets for context, the resolution is faster and better.

The Zenduty-Firebase Crashlytics integration allows you to sync your Firebase Crashlytics issues with Zenduty, and keep up with all the updates. The advanced monitoring allows you to keep a bird’s eye view on all the updates.

Scroll to the end of the page for complete instructions to set up the integration. Read more on Zenduty Docs


Once set up, users in Zenduty will get their incidents from their issues in Firebase Crashlytics. Any action on either application will reflect in the other.

Firebase Crashlytics ActionZenduty Response
New issue createdNew incident created
Issue status changedNote added to the incident
Issue resolvedIncident resolved
Issue deleted/closedIncident resolved

When a new issue is created in Firebase Crashlytics, a corresponding Zenduty incident is created.

Resolving a Zenduty incident resolves the Firebase Crashlytics issue.

When you delete the integration, make sure to also delete the Zenduty Webhook URL you added in Firebase Crashlytics. This is to prevent Zenduty updates from being posted to Firebase Crashlytics anymore.

Steps to integrate:

In Zenduty:

  1. To add a new Firebase Crashlytics integration, go to “Teams” on Zenduty and click on the “Manage” button corresponding to the team you want to add the integration to.
  2. Next, go to “Services” and click on the “Manage” button correspoding to the relevant Service.
  3. Go to “Integrations” and then “Add New Integration”. Give it a name and select the application “Firebase Crashlytics” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Go to “Configure” under your integrations and copy the webhooks URL generated.

In Github:

  1. Open a new browser tab. Go to https://github.com/Zenduty/zenduty-firebase-crashlytics
  2. Clone the repository and follow the instructions in the repository to setup the Firebase functions for Crashlytics alerts.
  3. You’re all set up with your Firebase Crashyltics integration!

Zenduty is a cutting edge incident management platform designed by developers keeping the well-being of engineers in mind. Sign up for free here.

Alka Gupta

Lover of all things organic - digitally and otherwise