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New Relic Workflow Integration Guide

New Relic Workflows let you customize webhooks to establish two-way integrations with your external incident management tool.

In Zenduty:

  1. To add a new New Relic integration, go to Teams on Zenduty and click on the team you want to add the integration to.
  2. Next, go to Services and click on the relevant Service.
  3. Go to Integrations and then Add New Integration. Give it a name and select the application New Relic Workflow from the dropdown menu.
  4. Go to Configure under your Integrations and copy the Webhook URL generated.

In New Relic:

  1. Go to Alert & AI and click on Destinations.

  2. Add a new Webhook destination. Give Destination Name and paste the URL that you have copied from Zenduty.

  3. Go to Workflow and create a new workflow or edit your existing workflows. In the Workflow select Webhook in Notify. Select the Destination that you have created in step 2. In the Payload template Other fields can be added as per requirments but below mentioned fields should be there in Payload Template.

                "id": {{ json issueId }},
                "issueUrl": {{ json issuePageUrl }},
                "title": {{ json annotations.title.[0] }},
                "priority": {{ json priority }},
                "impactedEntities": {{json entitiesData.names}},
                "totalIncidents": {{json totalIncidents}},
                "state": {{ json state }},
                "trigger": {{ json triggerEvent }},
                "sources": {{ json accumulations.source }},
                "alertPolicyNames": {{ json accumulations.policyName }},
                "alertConditionNames": {{ json accumulations.conditionName }},
                "workflowName": {{ json workflowName }},
                "description": {{json annotations.description.[0]}},
                "causeService":{{json accumulations.tag.causeService}}

  1. Zenduty will create incidents for all New Relic alerts and auto-acknowledge and auto-resolve whenever the incident is resolved in New Relic.
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