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Account Settings

Domain Restriction

Domain Restriction is a feature set available for enterprise users providing more control over incoming and outgoing data from Zenduty. Domain restriction allows you restrict users to only use domains from a specific allow list.

Once you've enabled domain restriction, restrictions will get applied on newer updates, i.e. the existing users outside the domain restrictions will function as it is.

How to enable Domain Restriction

Only the Account Owner, Account Admins can enable/modify domain restriction.

  1. Click on your profile bubble on the top-right corner and then on Account.

  2. Navigate to the Customizations section, and click on the Domains button.
    Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 2.10.10 PM.png
    Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 3.08.56 PM.png

  3. Enter domain to be allowed and select where to apply given domain restriction. Options are explained below.
    Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 3.09.46 PM.png

  4. Turn on the Enable this restriction slider and click on Save restrictions to add the domain in the allowed list of domains.

If your organisation uses subdomains within your email domain i.e.,, we recommend adding each subdomain to the allowlist.

List of options where domain restriction can be applied

Option Description
Stakeholder Comms Restricts user to add stakeholder outside of the domains
Outgoing Comms Restricts user to add email address outside of the allowed domains at outgoing email integration
User Profile Restricts user to change user profile email address or add email contact method outside of allowed domains
User Invite Restricts user to invite other users outside of allowed domains