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Alert Routing

Alert Rules: FAQs

What happens if there are multiple contradicting alert rules matching an incoming alert?

In such a case where multiple rules match and are attempting to perform contradicting actions to an alert, the latest created rule takes precedence and will be applied.

What are 'similar' incidents in Zenduty?

A similar incident according to Zenduty is a previous incident created with the same entity id as the new incoming alert.

What's the difference between an alert and an incident?

There are six alert types in Zenduty - Critical, Error, Warning, Acknowledged, Resolved and Info.

Every alert coming from an integration source has an entity_id. If the alert source is sending an entity_id, and the alert type is either critical, error or warning, then that alert will trigger a single incident.

By default, the Create incidents for setting is for Critical incidents only. Every alert after that with the same entity_id will be attached to the earlier created incident. An acknowledged alert type from the source will automatically acknowledge an incident and a resolved alert type will automatically resolve the incident.
So, incoming alerts from integration sources create an incident in Zenduty, and Zenduty sends notifications to your team based on your escalation policies.
Learn more here.

How can I change the SMS content for Zenduty Alerts?

The Zenduty SMS content is built around the Alert Title i.e. the Alert Message. So, to change the SMS content you can write rules to alter the Alert Message as required.

I added an alert rule that changes the alert type of certain alerts and since then incidents aren't being created as intended...

By default, an integration creates an incident only for critical alerts. If your rule is changing the alert type of some alerts to warning or error and you want incidents to be created for them, please make sure that you change the integration's settings as shown here.

For any other queries or if you're still wondering whether Alert Rules could solve a particular use-case of yours, feel free to reach out to our team at