Incident Roles
This article refers to Incident Roles, to read about Account Level and Team Level Roles, read our RBAC Guide.
Zenduty allows Owners and Admins to define specified incident roles within a team to help improve communication and coordinate response efforts during an incident. You can define custom incident roles and ranks according to your incident response plan.
Creating a Role
Select the team you'd like to create a role inside and then choose the Incident Roles tab from the secondary side-bar. Click on Create Role on the top right, edit the role title and description. You can also assign rank from 1-10 based on the precedence you want to allot according to your role structure.
You can define several roles to assist your team members handle their areas of expertise.
How to assign roles from an on-call schedule?
From the web application
Navigate to your incident page and click on the Roles tab. Next to your role, click on the assignee dropdown, search for the on-call schedule from which you want to assign the role. Zenduty will fetch the first person who is on-call from the schedule and assign them to the role.
From the Slack/Teams bot application
Within the incident message, inside the role section click on the ... button and click on Assign Role. Search for the on-call schedule from which you want to assign the role. Zenduty will fetch the first person who is on-call from the schedule and assign them to the role.