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Services and Integrations

Outgoing Rules

Outgoing Rules is a feature set that allows building preliminary conditions that need to be met for the execution of an outgoing integration's actions.
Outgoing Alert Rules are defined within all of your Zenduty Outgoing Integrations.

Teams can thus create rulesets that need to be satisfied for an Outgoing Integration to run, enabling more strategic usage of conference bridges, ticketing software and other outgoing connections like Slack, Teams, Google Chat and StatusPage.

The following fields can be used to build your outgoing alert rules:

  • Incident Title
  • Summary
  • Urgency
  • Priority
  • Incident Time
  • Tags
  • SLAs

Note: Outgoing alert rules are applied only when the incident is created, any changes to the incident post-creation that qualifies a match to an outgoing alert rule would not be processed.

Configuring Outgoing Rules

To create an outgoing rule:

  1. Click on the Service your Integration is in.

  2. Go to the Integrations tab and choose the outgoing integration for which you want to add an Outgoing Rule.

  3. Click on the Outgoing Rules tab from the secondary sidebar and then the Create Alert Rule button.

  4. Set the condition or group of conditions as intended, and Save to apply.

For example, the following rule will configure the Slack Channel - Incident Command System to only send alerts when the Priority of the incident is P0.

You can also create multiple conditions with logical rules between them.
In the following example, if either of the conditions are met, a Jira Ticket will be created in the team's Jira Account.

Creating tags, adding them via appropriately set Alert Rules then checking for those tags in your Outgoing Rules allows for a wider range of actions and flexibility.

For example, the combination of the following Alert Rule and Outgoing Rule will enable only incidents created on Saturdays and Sundays to be sent to the Slack Incident Command Channel.