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Github Integration Guide

GitHub brings together the world's largest community of developers to discover, share, and build better software.

With the Zenduty integration, you will be able to receive context notifications about new code pushes, pull requests, issues and issue comments. New issues will trigger a new incident.
You can also use Alert Rules to custom route specific GitHub alerts to specific users, teams or escalation policies, write suppression rules, auto add notes, responders and incident tasks.

Note: Only the following Webhook event types are supported: Push, Issues, Issue Comments, Pull Request, Release and Workflow Run.

To integrate Github with Zenduty, complete the following steps:

In Zenduty:

  1. To add a new Github integration, go to Teams on Zenduty and click on the team you want to add the integration to.

  2. Next, go to Services and click on the relevant Service.

  3. Go to Integrations and then Add New Integration. Give it a name and select the application Github from the dropdown menu.

  4. Go to Configure under your Integrations and copy the Webhook URL generated.

In Github:

  1. Log in to Github and navigate to the project from which you wish to receive alerts.

  2. On the top bar, click on the project Settings (you will need admin rights for this).

  3. From the left panel, click on Webhooks. Click on Add Webhook.

  4. In the Payload URL input box, paste the Integration URL you copied earlier.

  5. Choose Content Type as application/json

  6. Under Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?, click on Let me select individual events.

  7. Select the events which you want to track in Zenduty. Events supported are Pushes, Issues, Pull Requests, Releases and Workflow Job.

    Note: Zenduty will not create incidents for an Issue event if the same service has Github (2-way) Integration configured for the same Github Repository to prevent the cyclic loop between Incident and Issue.

  1. Click on Add Webhook to save.
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